I have already described in this article what needs to be taken into account when it comes to the purchasing process from a usability perspective . Internal links Internal links are also part of navigation: they allow users to navigate to other relevant subpages. Julian explains more about the use of internal links from an SEO perspective in his article on internal linking & SEO. Tag Cloud Tag clouds are helpful on blogs or in magazines because they show the user which topics there are articles on. Footer navigation There is also space for navigation elements in the footer of your shop. Read my tips for making the footer user-friendly .
Navigation on one page If you collect particularly comprehensive content on one page, a table of India Car Owner Phone Number List contents with jump labels is a good idea. Classic example: Within Wikipedia articles you can navigate to the relevant sections. Tips for the menu in your online shop You are probably familiar with the following situation: You enter a hardware store (or a large supermarket or an electronics store) and you know exactly which product you want to buy here. Given the countless shelves and aisles, the only question is: where can you find it? To get your bearings, you'll probably look for signs above the hallways that direct you to the right department. Rows of shelves without signs in a supermarket Have you ever gotten lost in the supermarket.
Cheers to good signage in the clutter of goods! Steve Krug uses this hardware store comparison in his famous usability basics book Don't make me think to explain how good website navigation works. What the signs of the various departments (tools, garden supplies, building materials...) are in the real hardware store, navigation is on the web: It (hopefully) shows the user the way to the product they are looking for. In place: The correct positioning of the main menu The main menu is a central and extremely important element of a website. With its categories it offers the user orientation. It is therefore important to stick to conventions and meet user expectations. is located in the header of the website, in a horizontal orientation.