The pool chemicals sector currently has a lot to offer customers who like to take care of their garden pool. How to avoid bad odors and the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and worms in the water? Simply perform shock chlorination. From this article, you will learn what shock chlorination is and how to perform it. Published: 05-10-2023 What is shock chlorination? The occurrence of decomposition processes in water is something completely natural and inevitable. Under the influence of high temperatures, oxygen, sunlight and organic contaminants present in water, various microorganisms develop. To inhibit this development, simply perform shock chlorination of your pool water. What is it? It is a simple procedure that involves a specific saturation of water with a large amount of chlorine . The market offers a wide range of shock chlorination agents. These include chlorine dispensers in the form of granules, powders, tablets and capsules. The microorganisms affected by a high concentration of chlorine die quickly and the water regains its aesthetic appearance and neutral odor. When and why should we shock chlorinate a pool? Wondering when is the best time to chlorinate your pool water? This procedure should be performed routinely, at least once a week or in the following cases.
After each water change, after a long swim, especially if several or more people have been in the pool, When your tester (chlorometer) indicates that the chlorine level in the pool is too low, when you see that the water changes color or smell. According to the recommendations of manufacturers of pool chemicals and measuring equipment, the correct concentration of free chlorine in water should be between 1 mg and 3 mg per 1 liter of water. Any deviation from these standards must be corrected on an ongoing basis by shock chlorination (when there is too little chlorine) or by the use of special CZ Leads chlorine neutralizers. Pool maintenance using shock chlorination is a simple and effective way to keep the water in good condition. Chlorine has a disinfecting effect, allowing you and your loved ones to swim safely. A sudden increase in the concentration of chlorine in the water immediately kills pathogenic microorganisms and algae. Plus, the purified water looks fresh and attractive. Pool shock chlorination: how to do it? Any time you want to perform shock chlorination with tablets or granules, you should read the manufacturer's instructions. Please note that the treatment should be done after swimming, when no one is in the pool. Also, pay attention to the recommended dosage.
Chlorine ratios vary depending on whether it is the first time you are disinfecting your pool or if it is part of regular maintenance. When and how to shock water chlorination? It is best to do this in the afternoon, when the water temperature drops and there is no sunlight. Start by checking the pH of the water (the optimal pH value is 7-7.4; if the tester indicates other values, use acidifying or alkalizing preparations). Any chlorine-based shock disinfection product should be used according to instructions. Some granules can be poured directly into the water, along the edge of the pool. Other powder preparations must be dissolved or placed in special dispensers before use. Shock chlorination: how much chlorine should you add to the pool? Each package of a shock chlorination product must include dosage information. The quantity of the product should be selected based on factors such as: the size of the pool, water condition (cloudy, foul-smelling water requires higher doses of the disinfectant), chlorine level (if this is a continuation of the shock treatment). How much product is enough for effective shock chlorination? The average dose of chlorine per 10 m 3 of water is 40 g to 150 g for granules. For chlorine tablets or capsules, manufacturers usually recommend using 1 chlorine capsule per 1 m 3 of pool water.