A color wheel shows how colors are related visually.For example, complementary colors are those opposite one another on the colorwheel. Color Wheel from DecoArt Color Wheel from DecoArt Colors also givevisual cues meaning. For example, a green button usually indicates anaffirmative action, like ‘OK’ or ‘Accept.’ But if you were to design a large‘Accept’ button and make it red, it could confuse the user, and in some cases,the results could be disastrous.
What do different colors mean for your brand?Let’s talk about the most common colors used by brands, and what meaning orfeel they can invoke from their audience. Red can trigger powerful emotions –positive and negative, to create a sense of urgency – which is why it’seffective for sales. It also encourages appetite, so is used regularly in thefast-food sector: think of KFC and Wendy’s. Orange is Find Your Mobile Number List considered light and fun,so it suits less ‘corporate’ feeling brands. Darker shades of orange areassociated with autumn, which lends itself to more ‘earthy’ brands. An exampleis The Home Depot. Green is easy on the eye and synonymous with health. Soyou’ll often see it used by brands promoting health products such aspharmaceuticals, and food brands. It can also be linked to growth or power suchas with financial or military organizations.
That’s quite a range, from Whole Foodsto BP. Blue has a calming effect and is the color of reason, but also ofstrength, wisdom, and trust. It’s a safe color option, but brands need toconsider if it will help them stand out in their space. A solid example isFacebook, now Meta. Pink has historically been used to portray femininity, likewith Cosmopolitan Magazine and the massive pink-wash of Barbie. Now a lot ofmainstream brands have used it successfully in many industries to “break themold”, such as Lyft. It portrays youth, but also inspires comfort andrepresents hope. Black is synonymous with luxury and power. , it can add energy to sophistication. Black is well suited toindustries like sport and fashion – but not to others, like health. Some examplesinclude Apple and Nike. White and silver represent cleanliness and are oftenused for a modern look and feel. They need to be used carefully, as they canlack personality. Many brands use white to complement another, more dominantcolor.